Juz emotions taking me over

My dear David Tao Singapore FC…

Posted on: October 5, 2005

Hey…it’s me again. I hope I don’t bother anyone with the notification emails of my blog haha..someone was asking me why I haven’t updated my blog for some time. Well, to answer that, I was busy with my David Tao FC. Getting the orders for tickets for the concert, planning for the members’ gathering, negotiating with supplier for t-shirts, placing orders, collecting the $$ , keeping track of progress of our website building, contacting the record company and concert organizer company, updating the latest news and answering queries at the davidtao forum/fanclub forum/ fan’s blog..

Yup..that about covers what I am mostly bz with. SIGH…SO BZ.and our progress not so steady with a rival group vying for the best seats and badmouthing us implicitly in their emails. Really wish I can work well with them, but there’s a lot of undercurrent n suspicion going on.

Then there is the website that my bro is working on. I just saw his opening page few days ago, which was very good. Liked it a lot, but I wish he can speed up n complete by next week, because this thing has been asked by EMI so many times. “When are we getting to see the website?” I asked them for allowance of 1 more week..but I dunno if my bro can come up with the site? At least a few pages and get it up and running will do…we just need to provide a link to David’s official site. Kor, if you are reading this, pls pls pls do it fast!! Help me find somewhere that can give me a free domain..”zhexian.com” will be nice…wonder where u set up your online store..

The FC was something that I started from nothing. Looking at where it is today, I’m just amazed at how much we have gone through. God does bless this FC in that we managed to get official in a few mths’ time and I have a wonderful, crazy and fun committee who shares the same hope and vision for the FC and are willing to work towards them, no matter how tough it looks. Always asked Him to bless this effort I have done, to thrive. It’s a difficult path but a very satisfying one. Personally, I feel that I’ve grown a lot from this experience. It’s tiring but all worth it!

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October 2005
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